Go here to register for a chance to win my class, Quilting with Rulers on a Home Machine, free from Craftsy. The winner will be selected after noon September 23rd.
But the big news is my ruler giveaway! If you haven't already done so, make sure you've signed up for my email newsletter on the right sidebar. (This is different than the "Follow by email" option on the left sidebar that emails you each post as they're published.) I will choose one name from my entire newsletter subscriber list Friday, the 18th, at noon EST. That winner will choose one of the above 4 rulers. This giveaway is open to anyone anywhere that I can mail a package! Yes, really. Though if I have to hire a yak to get the package to you, I might reconsider.
Edited September 18th: The ruler giveaway is now ended! The chance to win my class is still open and my shop is finally open! Yay! I did it! www.amysquiltingadventures.com
I'm frantically getting my shop ready for its opening tomorrow. And by frantically, I mean stumbling over my perfectionism, wanting to post stitched samples for every ruler (Wouldn't that be great?), and really just hiding behind my fear of changing things from that of sharing information with my wonderful readers and even students to selling a product. It's a big step. And just how much does yak-post cost?
I emailed one of my mentor friends recently and she wrote back, "Repeat after me:“My fans know I’m not perfect, especially when I tell them I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, and would you please bear with me while I teach myself how to do this.”
She also went on to remind me, "Believe me, quilters are very helpful and understanding. They will show unlimited patience as long as you let them know you are trying."
Once the site is open, and the bulk of the computer-based work (I am such a slow typer) is done, I am really excited about all the content that I will be able to share to help quilters make informed choices about rulers and to provide plenty of ruler work inspiration.
So, my dear readers: Is my friend right? Am I letting fear get the better of me? Are you really eager to have a shop like this available and I just need to git 'r done? I know from the comments and emails I receive that you are enjoying the heck out of using rulers for quilting and that you like what I've been doing thus far. You all really are the most encouraging people!
OK, back to the grindstone of data entry......
Hope I'm not commenting twice but if I am you deserve it. I am eagerly awaiting your shop and I'm sure I'm not alone. Thank you for all your sharing of free motion quilting. I'm sure I would not be where I am with out your teachings. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! That is so wonderful to hear.
DeleteYour friend is totally correct. We quilters are an understanding group, you are taking the time to figure things out so we don't have to. I myself totally appreciate all that you have taught or shown us so far. You have more patience than I and more daring . Looking forward to your store , hoping you will be sending to Canada at reasonable rates. >:) Cher
ReplyDeleteThanks Cher. I actually have little patience, but there's something about FMQ and ruler work that just gets me in my creative groove.
DeleteI think you'll find our flat rate to Canada reasonable.
Hi Amy, I took your suggestion and ordered the Westalee ruler foot for my Juki TL2010Q. And I love it. Thank you! Been following you for awhile now . And I got your class on Craftsy right away. I really appreciate all your hard work, thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou, dear Callista, made my day today when you became my very first customer just minutes after opening the shop. Your package is awaiting my run to the post office tomorrow morning!
DeleteAmy, I got my order today. Thank you so much. Good luck with your shop. I know I'll be looking around again. And I'm happy that I was your first customer.
DeleteWow! That's a day faster than I had expected and wonderful to hear! Thanks!
DeleteLoved your Craftsy class Amy & am having lots of fun practicing with the rulers. But, I want more rulers!! Can't wait for your shop to open.....I've been checking every day.....Open....Open.....Open!! ;)
ReplyDeleteI did it! I did it! All these wonderful comments like yours got me over the hump! Thanks.
DeleteI am so excited about your store, Amy!! I have been a tentative learner with rulers. I have been watching your amazing videos and have bought a few rulers. I have bought your Craftsy class and will take concentrated time to watch and learn when I have finished my current project. (I am a one focus at a time person.) I trust your advice and look forward to seeing your ruler reviews in your store. So, yes, your friend is right! I don't expect you to be perfect, but I have learned to trust your expertise and your honesty. Thanks for helping all of us quilty learners!
ReplyDeleteYou are quite welcome! I remember when you first started commenting, so I expect to see some wonderful ruler work from you at some point. Something I keep telling myself: Progress is better than perfection.
DeleteI'm excited but I don't know if I can order from France...
ReplyDeleteLet me get used to shipping and such for the US and Canada and then we'll see about adding other countries.
DeleteJust like quilting...it's a work in process and the final result will be so worth all your efforts. Just remember, it can always be fixed. Can't wait to see your shop and when you open, your butterflies will fly away!
ReplyDeleteWhen you get the shop up and running, I'm sure orders will start pouring in! Hope you are not stressing, deep breath!
ReplyDeleteI am in the UK and hope I'll be able to orde signed up for your Craftsy class as soon as I knew it was available and am working my way through it. I need to take a deep breath and get my rulers out x
ReplyDeleteYes, Bren! Get those rulers out. I know you can do it.
DeleteI can't wait to see your shop, Amy! Please don't be anxious. Quilters (especially your readers!) are very encouraging and supportive of each other. Your shop, like everything you do, is going to be amazing xxx
ReplyDeleteThanks Di!
DeleteBest wishes for your new venture! Have fun and try not to stress too much!
ReplyDeleteMy day job is web development stuff & support, so yes. :D You are angsting and this is also normal.
ReplyDeleteBut you have to pull the trigger and LAUNCH. Yes it is scary too! Been there! :)
Product listings can also be tweaked and edited *after* launch, as you have time, too. It doesn't have to be 100% perfect to be out there - it just has to be OUT THERE.
I am so OUT THERE! Eek! It seems to be my MO- totally over think things, angst over it, finally go “do it already” and then go, “I thought it was going to be harder than that.” Thanks for the nudges and encouragement.
DeleteYour friend is absolutely correct. I'm new to your site, and have enjoyed learning about and what you do. Will be interested in your store and to see if you have supplies that will play with my janome 7700 and juki tl98e machines. Your class is on my want list...soon. hang in there, remember to breath and to know we quilters Ave your back. Congrats on all you have accomplished this year!
ReplyDeleteSorry for typo "have your back"
DeleteSorry for typo "have your back"
DeleteThank you so much!
Deletecongrats signed up for your newsletter
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout-out, Amy! I'm sure I'm getting so many entries in my blog giveaway because of your link to my post. My regret is finding out how many of the commenters are "noreply." Makes me frustrated and sad to know they're commenting for a chance to win, but aren't leaving me a way to reach them if their number is chosen. So far, 27 commenters can't win! Doesn't that seem like a lot?!
ReplyDeleteThe no-reply thing is frustrating, but I read an article that “QuiltingJetGirl” either wrote or referenced about why she was going to stay no-reply, and I’m a little more understanding of it. It’s really an issue Blogger needs to fix. It’s a hassle for people to make sure they’re not no-reply and that they stay that way. (Which is the same reason I don’t reply on blogs that use the ‘Disqus’ commenting system. It’s a pain to log in to one more thing.)
DeleteThat’s why I used my email newsletter this time for the giveaway. It made sure that I had emails for all the entrants. That won’t work for every one of my giveaways now, since they can only sign up once, but I’ve been checking into a way to host a giveaway using GoogleDocs as a sign up form.
But I’m glad to see you’re getting good participation in the hop and giveaway!
I would love a chance to win! Love the rulers!