Web Wednesday

Time for a Web Wednesday post.

Think you've got a varied stash? Fabric of all types? Take a video tour of the Design Library.

Bianca and Suzanne are up to their Halloween hijinks! So dang funny and that Suzanne is one creative quilt shop owner!

Free motion quilting pro, Patsy Thompson talks about still wanting to learn more and features her quilt that was quilted by Margaret Gunn. Margaret does extraordinary quilting on her long arm, including ruler work that inspired some of my recent quilting.

Dang Blogger ate the rest of this post, but in a touch of kismet, Virginia emailed me and let me know that Patsy was also up to some ruler work (how did I miss this post?!?) and she showed a brilliant adaptation of a free motion foot for ruler work! It involved some super glue and a bit of tubing! Anyone who can use the stuff without glueing themselves (or their kids...) could do this!

The encouraging and sweet Leslie at Marveles Art Studios is hosting a give away from Superior Threads! Check it out! Yummy threads and Leslies quilting with them is 'Marveles'!

And then I thought I'd share part of Teri Lucas' post:

Rules for quilting

1) It’s your quilt, it’s your rules
2)  Have fun
3) You can do this!
4) Breathe, blink and relax
5) Your seam ripper is your friend and All Quilters use them
6) Don’t worry about what other quilters think
7) Don’t point out the “flaws” in your quilt
8) Learn from any teacher – we’re not all right and we’re not all wrong
9) Try new things – it’s good for your quilts

I like how Teri's heart shines through her quilting and her writing.

And me? I'm working on binding my brown, fall themed whole cloth so I can take it with me to the Quilt and Sew Expo. It's going very, very slow as I keep getting interrupted by a nearly potty trained boy who has learned to abuse the rewards system....candy! And the homeschooling is frustrating. A certain 2nd grader is very slow to do her work, which throws us off schedule.

Let's just say two days and a night without kids and filled with all things quilty and stitchy will be a welcome break!


  1. i love this post! not because you mentioned me, {and thank you btw}... but i ant to check out those sites, and i love, love love those "unrules" shall we say, on quilting! I quite and "sew" passionately agree with her! and amy, your ruler posts are really engaging and informative on your ruler work. and yes... i had read patsy's post and asked questions about her rulers, and foot... so you know that is a fork in the road i want to be on!!!! looking forward to more, and here's to a sweet prayer for some sweet 'without family' time at the quilt expo! lots of love, girl, xoxo

  2. just had to check you out, when I saw your name on another blog comment (Nina Sayers) at first I thought it was a comment by me. When I have more time I'll come back and read up on all your advice, I'm just getting my Handi quilter going again. Thank you for a great technical site for machine quilting, it looks very inspiring. Amy @ amysetcetera.blogspot.com

    1. :-) From the looks of it, 'Amys' are very creative people!

  3. I'd love some all day sewing time myself. Have fun with it.
