A No-Sew, Just for Fun Project

It's kind of sad to admit that I don't do many sewing projects just for fun to feather my own nest. But last week, I decided I was going to tackle this one somewhat silly project just because I wanted to!

Behold! My ugly, lying, worn out bathroom scale.

 Stripped of the curling black mat material.

A cheerful fabric topped with the new, nifty, and easy to apply iron-on vinyl!

Wrapped around a piece of Peltex cut to shape. Peltex is an incredibly stiff interfacing.

A spritz of permanent spray adhesive (not the quilt basting variety) and I now have a pretty scale that will at least be easy on the eyes while it tells me something ugly!

And it felt so good to take on a project and finish it completely! That three finishes for me in the past week; Poured Out 2 has shipped off to the Sacred Threads Exhibit, Sherwood Forest Love has been given to its intended recipient, and this flowery scale.

Now I'm working on a commissioned piece that should be pretty easy to finish off quickly. I think I'm going to start focusing more on how good it feels to finish a project. Maybe it will have a more positive effect than to keep thinking of the huge pile of projects I need to tackle.

How about you? Do you struggle to finish projects or do you finish one before starting a new one?


  1. Where do you get the vinyl? I've wanted to make a purse, but was looking for something to make the fabric not so fabric-y. :)

    I love the scale, it looks awesome!

    1. The vinyl…..hmmmm…it’s been in the stash for quite a while. I think I got it at a local quilt shop, but I’m pretty sure Joanne’s would have it too.
