Thoughts for a New Year

It's that time of year; the stores have cleared out the Christmas stuff already and before they go crazy with Valentine's Day stuff, they've got the workout gear stacked high in anticipation of New Year's resolutions to git fit and lose weight.

I'm not giving that stuff a single glance. Not that I don't need to lose weight, but I've got plenty of workout gear that's not been worn enough. Nope. What I am working on is trying to focus and make a plan for all the projects I want to work on.

And boy, do I have projects. Not just quilts-in-progress, but some clothes for my daughter, organizing projects for our little cottage, other quilting related projects, blog plans, home improvement, and the list goes on.

I hate that I find myself saying "I'm busy" when I've been asked how I have been. I heard a line about B.U.S.Y. standing for burdened under Satan's yoke a long time ago and it made me mindful not to cram the life of my family with too many activities that take away from enjoying one another.

Did you know that multitasking can make your brain perform worse than the brain of someone who is stoned? Here's an article on what to do when you find yourself too busy. Full of good stuff. Explains why I can get overwhelmed and decide maybe my Mommy-brain just isn't all that bright anymore! Add a bit of chronic sleep deprivation and wowza!

But this year, I'm working on a plan. Putting it down in writing, and working the plan. Because life doesn't always go according to plan ever, I'm also planning on extending myself some grace. I've read that putting your to-do's and projects down in writing frees up your brain to be more creative. When you try to remember it all, it's a lot like having too many tabs open in your computer's browser; slows it down.

There are calendar pages taped to my wall and post-it notes galore in my studio!

What are your plans for this new year? Quilty or otherwise? Anybody else eat too much pie?


  1. My big plan for 2015 is to enjoy what I do without too much pressure. I also love lists.

  2. I agree with your post Amy and had just written an email to a friend with this same general observation. When I started quilting 6 years ago, I did so with the clear intention that this would be something I learned and carried out for the pleasure of creating and how it could fuel me. I promised myself that I would do my best work, skill wise but that my products did not have to be perfect and that I did not have to 'do it right' just well and in a way that brought me opportunities to learn and experience pleasure. My intention also included that I did not have to hurry the work and I would not agree to any project that was going to add to pressure. Sure I might get behind on something that was a birthday gift but when that has happened, I did reach out the birthday person that I had a gift coming but that it would not be there on time. It often lifts the pressure and I am able to work on it and get it done on time anyway.

    I really agree that WE overload our lives but not setting better boundaries with ourselves first and then others in our lives. We can be loving, supportive people and still say no to a request that will put us over the edge. We do everyone a favor when we say no due to the impact this additional commitment might bring because if we say yes, we are often very crabby, short tempered, rude and become self absorbed which is not pleasant for us or anyone in our lives.

    My promise to myself is to write my commitment down on fresh paper and keep it pinned up up my desk at work and at home, to help myself keep this in mind when making decisions.

    Happy New Year!

  3. I can totally relate to this post so much! I hear you in every single way! Good job for putting down a plan but still giving yourself grace. I am going to try and organize my thoughts and do something similar as well. Good luck and have a great 2015!

  4. I agree - it's all about the balance, right?? I look forward to what you will accomplish this year!! Me? I'm going to hopefully make more quilts :-)

    1. Christa, you are becoming a rock star quilter! I so admire how hard you work to put yourself out there. Feel like becoming a mentor??? ;-)

  5. Amy I will agree with all of the above but selfish me says "Please Please" do not stop blogging about your journey. My child rearing days are done ( well not always! I have 2 elderly ill parents and 2 adult kids with kids) I adore my 3 grandkids ..we have 2 twin girls expected in Feb. I do not do stress well so will not commit to anything that causes it. I do not plan very far ahead..always in my mind the saying that" Life is what Happens when you make other Plans! Heck (selfish me again) If I had been less busy when younger I could have started quilting sooner..Val

    1. Don't worry Val, I can't give up blogging! You guys encourage me so much! Sometimes life gets so crazy, or I get so lazy/tired that having the blog and needing to post something on it is the only reason I get a project done. But I want to make sure I'm giving you quality posts, which means I've got to put in my time on my projects.

  6. I love lists. I keep a spiral notebook (with a pretty cover of course) on my kitchen counter with a list of what I want to accomplish in the next several days. A daily list is too confining for me. I note that when I have a list I am working off I feel much happier and in control and relaxed. And, if I complete an item that is not on the list? I add it and check it off! I have learned that I love blogging and it is an outlet for me. A blog post is a huge gigantic check mark. Even better. It can be a partial check mark rewarding a change in status on works in progress.

    1. I recently read that feeling in control (like having a list or schedule) can reduce stress levels. I used to spend so much time ‘winging it’ that I was resistant to schedules, but the feeling of satisfaction of seeing stuff crossed off is so much better. I usually have to add some things to cross them off after they’re done too!

  7. Great post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  8. I'm an older woman with no children at home and not job to eat up my time but still I often feel like I've taken on too much - leading Bible studies, going to quilt guild, participating in blog hops. And yes, beginning the diet anew each week. I don't want to have any goals at all but sometimes I think I have too many! I've gotten my treadmill put into a prominent place in my home so I'll see it every day and, hopefully, make good use of it. Once each week I'm going to clean out something - a closet, a drawer, a box. I can manage one a week surely. And I really, truly am going to finish some quilt projects I've started. Oh, I finish lots. But I think I start a lot more than I finish so those bits and bobs are going to either be done or passed on to someone else. But mostly I'm going to spend some time with me...well, really, me and God. blessings, marlene

  9. It sounds like your 2015 mantra should be "SIMPLIFY.". As for me, i'm counting down the days and hours until my kids go back to school. Here I am the morning after one too many champagne toasts to the new year, and the Screaming Cheetah Wheelies are in the other room singing about some green dragon AT AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS. They only know one verse, and they have sung that verse 46 times since I started counting... :-(. Happy New Year, Amy, and thanks for all of your inspiring and informative quilting posts. You have done so much to help others reach their goals!

  10. My plans for the new year is to somewhat simplify my life and time. I've decided that this year will be the Year of the WIP. Other than my charity quilts for my church group, I'm going to try very hard not to start something new and work on the innumerable projects I have started over time. Here's wishing us both luck.
