Proverbs of Quilting

Today, I'm sharing with you the wisdom, humor, and awesome writing skills of my friend Robin. To understand part of her wisdom, though she calls herself foolish, you will need to know that the Marvy Marker is one of those purple air-erase markers which can disappear quickly.

Chapter 1

1The proverbs of Robin daughter of Mary, quilter of stuff:
for gaining wisdom and instruction;

3A foolish quilter marketh her top with Marvy Marker and taketh a nap;
4A wise quilter nappeth not.

5A foolish quilter thinketh she can adjusteth while using a ruler;
6A wise quilter knoweth it is vanity.

7A wise quilter alloweth two years to worketh with a ruler;
6A foolish quilter alloweth two hours to worketh with a ruler.

8A foolish quilter marketh one border side with Marvy Marker;
9A wise quilter marketh 5 or 6 blocks.

10A wise quilter talketh not while using a ruler;
11A foolish quilter blabbeth to her daughter while using a ruler.

12A foolish quilter marketh with Marvy Marker;
13A wise quilter marketh with chalk.

14A wise quilter knoweth the ruler is a device of Satan and seeketh the light;
15A foolish quilter knoweth not and followeth Satan into darkness.


Give your compliments to Robin in the comments please? She's an excellent writer and funny as all get out. I'm hoping she will share with us again. Our quilting theologies do vary somewhat as she's a longarmer and clearly has ruler issues, but I won't hold it against her!


  1. Amen!
    Thanks for making me smile, you know the one? that knowing smile of bittersweet experience.

  2. Oh, Robin, you speaketh wisely. Let us forsake our foolish ways and seeketh the light. Let us not be tempted to be foolish and therefore lead ourselves into the darkest pits of dispare.

    Love her prose!

  3. Love a great writer! I bet she's a wonderful quilter as well. Thanks for letting us enjoy her talent.

  4. Hehehe. I like and would love to see more.
