I thought I'd show you some pics of my quilting space along with my current project. I've been working on quilting this jelly roll race quilt, made with a pack of Tonga Treats, or maybe it's Bali Pops. I'm not too crazy for it and wish I had pulled out some of the darker reds and substituted some blues and greens instead. But it's great practice and a big enough size to demonstrate to my new quilting group how to puddle up a larger quilt.
This is my sewing/quilting space! It's a mess but it's my own little space. Look at all my pretty threads! My husband opened up the awkward closet under the stairs and we tucked my counter top right in. (See here) I sometimes forget about the slanted ceiling when I reach for thread on the far left, ouch! There's just enough space for me to work at both machines, or most often, quilt at the big machine and use my computer. I have tucked in all kinds of storage everywhere I can below and above my counter top.
Above is my cutting/pressing table, design wall, and more quilty stuff. I really need to do some tidying up here, don't I? The design made up of quarter circles in the design wall is courtesy of my 5yo daughter. There's also the start of a quilt featuring Riley Blake's Rainy Days and Mondays fabric. I think I need a different arrangement of the blocks. To the left is my original drawing/painting of "Poured Out", which I am in process of redesigning so I can make a new version. I would like to point out that the big bins under this table are filled with trains and other toys, not my quilty excesses.
I do share this room with my kids. It's the "play room". When I'm not quilting much, we have company, or there's extra kids coming over, I slide the table either up against the design wall or against my counter top area, depending on if I need to guard my machines from curious fingers. But mostly, it's my sewing space. I'm a bit loathe to admit I took over their play space, so I like to think of it as the family play room!
So when the kids are not in the room, I can spread out a bit, giving myself room to work with larger pieces of fabric and quilts. I can even set the table up so I can press fabric, cut it, and run it through my Sizzix without having to move anything.
Now I need to get some quilting done before my 2yo wakes up! I hope you enjoy what you see here and I'd love to read a comment from you.
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