Celtic Knot Templates

I've been meaning to write about this new set of templates for a while but just hadn't the time to do them justice. I used a prototype in my Craftsy class "Quilting with Rulers on a Home Machine" (50% off link!) to demonstrate rotating templates and used the same template without the rotating pin for a whole block design as well.

The above is pretty cool, but using the rotating feature is even more cool! And you can offset the designs, and nest them within each other too! I really like these anchor pins, they don't have pins poking up where I'm guaranteed to poke myself.

This template is a lot like a big half circle, but has a hole drilled for a special rotating pin and feet at the ends of the curve to stop your stitching. Add in some handy markings and it allows you to make a great Celtic Knot design without math or marking.

There's a whole range of sizes: 12, 9, 6, and a 'pin-less' 3 inch template. The 3 inch template is cute. What is it that makes something so adorable when miniaturized? It still makes a Celtic Knot if you use the markings, but the template is too small for the special anchor post and pin.

I had to use a ruler to mark reference points so I could line up this little cutie within the knot design made by the 9 and 12 inch versions.

Then I used the markings for the template placement. There are metallic gold lines to help with the center and point placement. They show up really well under the lights of the sewing machine!

As I stitched, I used the green lines to reposition the template for the next pass of stitching. Without the anchor pin, I did need to be extra careful that the ruler didn't slip.

I mentioned that I used a prototype in my quilting with rulers class and I was able to suggest that 1/4 inch spacing lines should be marked around the edges of the template for greater usability when using the half circle or straight edge for other designs.  This makes the template really versatile and each size makes a precise half circle in that size. It's really awesome when a manufacturer listens to input on their products.

I'm now selling these Celtic Knot designs in my shop.


  1. What fun! Spirograph was my favorite toy as a kid and it looks like I can become a kid again at 50+

  2. Cool! Kind of like a Spirograph for adults who quilt!

  3. That looks terrific! I just watched one of your videos on youtube. (You were trying out a feather template.) The foot on your machine stayed in place and only the needle moved. Is that foot standard with your machine? I think what bothers me the most about FMQ is the foot bouncing up and down on the fabric. Is there someplace I can buy a foot like yours for a small home machine? Mine is a Janome 8077.

    1. Marti, Janome makes non-hopping fmq feet for their machines. You'd start with this: https://amysquiltingadventures.com/collections/ruler-feet/products/janome-convertible-free-motion-quilting-foot-set-low-shank and if you want to use templates like above, or rulers, add the Frame Quilting Foot Set. Love to have my foot not hopping all around!

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  5. How do you quilt the design with the celtic knot that goes over and under? I cannot figure out how to do that with a continuous stitch.
