Free Motion Monday Quilting Adventures: Scroll Flower #2

Another week has flown by and it's time for the Free Motion Monday Quilting Adventure, featuring the scroll flower design.

I've said you can size this to fit any project, from background filler to large motif. So I decided to do a project to show you a larger version.

I've got all these samples sitting around my quilting area. Recognize this McTavishing from last month? My hubby has mentioned our hot pads were in sad shape and so it was time to make a few new ones.

I cut some old sample quilt sandwiches into 9 inch squares and layered them with a square of pretty fabric and a seamed piece. The seamed piece isn't stitched in the middle, so I can turn the square right-side out through it.

Trimmed the corners first, then turned and pressed each hot pad, top-stitched around the edges, then I quilted them.

The first one I quilted a bit off center and filled in with some leaves.

I marked the center of the rest before quilting as a target for the center of my scroll. This kept the design much more centered.
And I finally made a button for these Free Motion Mondays!
Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures

If you want to use the button on your blog to show your participation in these quilt-alongs, or would like to put the button on your blog, the code is on my right sidebar.

If you are new to this design, draw it out a few times before starting to quilt it. Link up to share what you've done this week with this design, even if it's just a drawing. We can each work on our skill with this design and see how much each of us has improved.

Some quick rules:

  • Keep your post relevant to this quilt along please. Spammy posts will be deleted.
  • Make sure you link up to the individual post, not your home page as nobody wants to have to search around for the post if they're a little late to the party.
  • Link back to this post somewhere in your post. You've got to dance with the one who took you to the party, so make sure you link back.
  • Don't be a wall-flower. (Talking to myself here too. In person I am so stinking shy!) Visit the other links and leave comments.
  • Please make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you are a no-reply commenter, especially if you ask a question.
  • Visit others who have linked up and be sociable!
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  1. Cute hot pads. I'm still practicing on my scroll flowers on paper. After watching your video I'm wondering how you keep your darning foot from bouncing up & down when you do your free motion quilting.

    1. I use the Janome convertible free motion quilting foot set. It is a non-hopping foot and I love, love, love it!

  2. Love your flowers. I have to start doing more condensed quilting. Have just been trying to wean myself off stipple and your blog has been awesome for that

  3. Hi Amy, I have been seeing reference of your site and quilting motifs all over the place! Good on you girl! Hope things are singing along at your house! LeeAnna Paylor

    1. I sure get around.......;-) Spring is a hopeful and encouraging time of year for me!

  4. I learned a similar motif this weekend in the FMQ class. Thank you so much for sharing the design. It came in handy when I wanted to share the design with others. The tips for the hot pad are awesome, too! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I like the scroll flower as a single motif. I also like the idea of finishing the edges & them quilting it!

    1. Nothing like having it all done as soon as I’m done quilting it!
