Free Motion Monday: The Beginner Edition, Week 4

Time for our last Free Motion Monday: The Beginner Edition! Yes, I know, technically it's past time, since this is Tuesday. But that's just how it had to be this week. I am looking forward to seeing some work shared in the Link Party at the bottom of this post. Share your work if you are a beginner, or show some of your earlier work when you were a beginner if you now have more experience under your belt.

 I did another video this week on taking that "open S" into a spiral this week. I love doing spirals and similar shapes. They can be so much fun and so very versatile.

Spirals and scrolls for beginners in free motion quilting
Scroll on right, spiral on left.
First, there's two ways to come out of the initial spiral shape. The first will create a scroll shape but going along the initial curve. The second will create the spiral by going out "over the top" of the curve.

I am going to take next month off from the Free Motion Monday Series as I am getting behind on several projects. I'll still be blogging, but not using the Linky, nor committing to a post on every Monday.

Here are the link up guidelines:
  • Keep your post relevant to this quilt along please. Spammy posts will be deleted.
  • Make sure you link up to the individual post, not your home page as nobody wants to have to search around for the post if they're a little late to the party.
  • Reciprocate! Link back to this post somewhere in your post or use the clickable blog button in your sidebar. You've got to dance with the one who took you to the party, so make sure you link back.
  • Don't be a wall-flower. (Talking to myself here too. In person I am so stinking shy!) Visit the other links, be sociable, and leave comments.
  • Please make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you are a no-reply blogger, especially if you ask a question.
Please link up to show what you've been quilting up, especially if you are a beginner. I love seeing what others have quilted up!

1 comment:

  1. Amy lesson fulfilled, can be viewed. Thank you, I will wait for the continuation!
