
Feathers Make It All Much Better

Today was one of those days when you wish it was over by about 10am. Nothing majorly serious, but just a series of smaller things going wrong that just piled up. Fridays I usually work at my local Janome dealer's shop and the school board decided to have early dismissal for all the schools in the county due to the rain. (Yes, rain. But we've had a lot of it already and a hurricane is supposedly coming and some of the schools are in a river basin area, so there were flooding concerns. This ex-Florida girl is having a hard time being kind about it.) Then there was a broken hot water pipe, no shower for me. One kid had a fever, another missed the bus, etc.

free motion quilting feathers and ruler work on a sewing machine

But the hubby was home due to said rain also, and I did get to do some quilting so that's good. I started filling the center block edges on my ruler work sampler. It went very well, and I can't wait to show it all to you later. I'm hoping to show you the technique I used to get the feathers pretty even, but I learned it from someone else and I want to run it by her first.

My goal this weekend is to get this block completely done. It's nearly there, so surely I can meet that goal.


  1. Feathers make everything better here.

    We're much further north, but we had horrendous rain on Wednesday, well ahead of the hurricane. Power outage that night (right in the middle of sewing) and no internet until noon the next day.

    1. It's really funny how much we miss the internet when it's out!

  2. I'm always way too anxious to get right to the quilting so marking anything is usually bypassed in favor of the more "casual" look!!!!! Really like how this is coming along. Praying all improves your direction and the rains/storm is less than anticipated!!! Hugs.............

    1. So far the rain hasn't been as bad as expected, but I'm ready for some sun. This is more detail oriented than my usual work, so it's a good creative stretch for me.

  3. I remember those sorts of days when my children were still at home. All you can do is deal with it when all you WANT to do is go off in a corner and sew. Well, what you're quilting is looking fabulous! Can't wait to see how you made that ruler work. I have a semi-traditional quilt that I started quilting - and stopped for my design not work. That curved cross-hatch would look really good on mine. As always, thanks for being inspiring with your quilting. Ummm, not so much with your mom-demands. :-)

  4. I feel for you Amy!! Having lived in SW Florida for about 36 years, I know how some hurricanes can be no fun!! Hope you don't have any problems with it. We've been lucky for a couple years and I am not complaining at all!!

    1. I grew up in Florida, but we live in central Virginia, so the "sky is falling, the sky is falling" response to this is frustrating. Though I know that times have changed and they have to plan ahead more now.

      We had a dry summer, so we need the rain, but maybe not all at once!

  5. Oh wow have you had a week. Love your quilting.

  6. Yes, feathers ALWAYS make everything better. I love feathers.
