
Monday Musings

It's the first Monday of the new year! I'm excited. I'm organized (mostly). I've got a plan and I'm working it. I' up barf. Stomach bug hits the 5 year-old. But other than that, things are feeling great.  (If you just want quilting news, scan past my ramblings of goal setting for the new year in the next few paragraphs.)

I took my usual calender and cut the pages free so I could see the whole year on it. I'm one of those people who will miss an appointment in the first part of the month because I've failed to turn the page to the new month. I also went to Art Call, an online call for entries for many quilt shows and entered in some potential show dates. I also added in some dates for AQS's Quiltweek shows. Will I manage to finish and submit a quilt for show this year?

I certainly hope so! "Finish" is my word of the year. I've had so many unfinished projects sitting around, mocking me, weighing on my mind. Did you know there is scientific evidence that leaving things unfinished impairs your brain? Yep. Apparently leaving tasks unfinished leaves a portion of your brain power thinking on those things, tying up resources that could be used on the task at hand. No wonder I have trouble focusing, remembering, and thinking sometimes! (OK, let's not discount the effects of 3 young kids and chronic sleep deprivation, but still.)

My husband helped me put up a bulletin board in my studio last night. It's right in front of where I tend to sit at my lap top. I've got my "Finish" notecard up there as a reminder.

Since it's the start of the new year when people make resolutions, I'm working on a few things too. But I prefer to set goals. I've made a weekly checklist for some of the things I want to improve. I am not a very confident person, and I read that small successes can help you feel more confident, so I've got that up on a wall too.

If you've stuck with me this long, or scrolled down, I've got some quilting news too. I bought myself a yummy box of Aurifil thread in the 40 weight. I can't wait to try it. I've got another box of 50 weight backordered in a range of basic colors too.

My final quilty news comes via the talented and super helpful Patsy Thompson. She's turned me onto another potential source of ruler feet that are supposed to work for nearly all models of domestic sewing machine. They aren't available for sale yet and I'd like to do more checking into them before I give you the website, but it's so encouraging to hear that there are more options for us to do ruler work. Additionally, she says that while she can't get specifics, she's heard that Babylock is working on a ruler toe too. No idea of when it might be available.

Now I better get back to my sweet boy and hopefully get some quilting done. Happy New Year!


  1. Good idea re the calendar, it does save turning the page after the event! I love Aurifil threads and the boxed selection you have there is yummy, reminds me I probably need to order a few more colours.

  2. I'm right there with you - my 4 year old is home sick too. I was so looking forward to school starting up so I could get lots of things done. Oh well, that's life.

  3. There is a new source of FMQ feet coming soon in Australia. Westalee rulers have designed one for short and long shank machines. Is that who you mean?

  4. It has been a long time since I was cleaning up after the kiddo's but I remember it well. Hopefully, this will pass quickly. I really like the idea of posting the entire year of the calendar as you did. I am like you, if I get too busy to turn the page I miss early in the month appointments etc. Great idea. Now I need to find the right door to do this! Always enjoy your posts even though I have been lax in responding. Happy New Year.

  5. I'll be first in line for the Babylock ruler toe. This is great news. I have been hestitant to buy others that are iffy to try out.
    Love your blog.....will be with you for a long time

    1. Janie- You might want to check out Debbie's comment below!

  6. Lots of great ideas here! I did something similar with my calendar years ago. But it was a 4 month "blank calendar" with a vinyl cover. I used wet erase pens to fill in the month and days (black) and a different color for each kid, dh and me. I remade it every three months. I might do something like that again for just ME (different colors for each kind of thing), but use your calendar idea instead of the vinyl one.

  7. Hi Amy,
    I found a ruler foot that works on my Baby Lock Ellisimo. I got it on eBay. If anyone is interested I posted pics on my blog at in response to your post. Hope you and your family are all feeling better.
    As always I love your posts- thank you!

    1. Debbie- That's fabulous! I will check it out. Thanks for letting me know.

  8. So sorry about the little one - it's been a nasty visitor in several family members homes here too. I love your calendar on the door and your checklist. Wish I'd started such a thing the first of the month but it's never too late! blessings, marlene
