
Craftsy App and Fortitude

It seems I'm getting some new readers here and I am thankful. I am also sorry there hasn't been more quilting content lately. The kids have been taking turns with illnesses. It seems today is my turn and let's just say I am thankful for a couple of kinds of fortitude and the

I've been in bed whenever I could, watching some of the classes I bought during the last big Craftsy sale on my tablet. Sure helps pass the time since I didn't want to fall asleep while I had 2 kids at home today.

I've always heard that big-time bloggers prepare and schedule post in advance. I've always thought it a good idea even though I'm not a big-time blogger. Guess I'll add it to my to-do list!

Welcome new and old readers to 2015 at Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures! I think it's going to be a blast! (In a few days.)


  1. I happen to live in a north east state, in a county that has the highest incidence of confirmed flu. I have a cold and am miserable, can't imagine the flu. Take care, rest, and feel better soon. Ps. I am not a new reader just a lazy commenter the last year or so. I will try to amend that.

  2. I hope you feel better soon, Amy! I really enjoy your posts. :)

  3. I hope you feel better soon! I have been reading your blog for awhile now but have never commented so here I am being brave and commenting :-)

    1. I'd like to think there's no need for bravery to comment to me! Thanks for the well wishes and commenting.

  4. I'm just so glad that I found you - through a Pinterest link I think. I'm catching up on past posts and finding your tips and tutorials very helpful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. You are an inspiration. Hope you and your household are feeling better soon.. Your posts are always a nice surprise so don't be hard on yourself for doing your blog your own way. All the best to you.

  5. I've been enjoying your blog for at least a year now and never commented. Thought it was time that I let you know how much I enjoy your posts. Sorry your family is down with a case of the crud. Hope all are well very quickly!

    1. I hope I don't have to get sick just to get to hear from more of my readers! Thanks so much for commenting and reading. It's so encouraging.

  6. I hope you're feeling better soon. Because of your posts, I finally tried using a ruler for some straight line quilting with my old Bernina. A few issues but easier than I thought. Thanks for all your detailed information!

    1. Good for you! I love to share and everybody is always so encouraging. Thanks a lot!

  7. Hello and I hope you are feeling much more perky soon! I am one of your newbies finding you during the after Christmas" lull" thru Pinterest. I can see you have accumulated much knowledge that you are graciously sharing. The ruler quilting is certainly interesting and one I might like to try. Rest when you can and we'll all be here when you are back on your feet!

  8. Hope you feel better soon Amy. I always enjoy your posts! Thank you!

    1. Thaks, I do feel better. ParadiseBreeze? I could use that here, dreary cold day, but the weekend is supposed to be glorious!

  9. Amy you take as long as you need to recover. We will still be here. Someone gave me the flu gift at Xmas and it was almost 2 weeks before I could leave the house. I recovered somewhat just in time time to help paint my sons new house before the twins arrive. Not sure which was worse ..flu or painting haha! Now I think my computer has the flu..Val

  10. Feel better soon, Amy! I know how hard it is to stay healthy when the kids are sick. My youngest used to want to "snuggle" with mommy when he was sick. And he had this awful, adorable habit of grabbing my ears with both hands to reassure himself that I was still there as he fell asleep -- and then he would COUGH IN MY FACE! :-(

    I am still a Craftsy Virgin, I'm afraid. I'm sure it's just a matter of time, but so far I've been more about books that I can highlight and dog-ear and mark up with notes. I worry that I would not be able to remember the details of a Craftsy class later when I wanted to put the techniques into practice, and then I would have to fast forward through the video to find the information again. Do you take notes on your Craftsy classes, or just watch them again and again? Or are you one of those smart girls who can just watch it once and REMEMBER EVERYTHING... LOL!

    1. Thanks Rebecca! We mommies are all in the same boat aren’t we?

      As far as remembering everything I’ve learned from a Craftsy class, it really depends on the subject. I’ve got some that I sailed through and now I’ve got some others that I’ll keep going back to. Craftsy does have a note taking function as part of the platform which is pretty handy. One of my favorite things is if there’s a part I already know or the teacher is a slow speaker (good for teachers, really), I use the 1.5x speed to move things along. I still can understand their talking, but it’s a little more time efficient.

      I’d suggest signing up for some of their free classes if you’re not sure online is how you learn best. You might be pleasantly surprised!
