
Video: A Free Motion Feather

I was tidying up my sewing area today and came across a partially used practice quilt sandwich. It was the one I used in my How to Free Motion Quilt: The basic Motion and Tension video on tension.

free motion quilting a feather

Since my machine was set up for quilting, I decided to sit and practice my stitching. I went ahead and shot a quick video while I was at it.

free motion quilting a feather detail

You can see in the photo above, that I didn't follow my marked spine too closely. Following lines too much takes a lot of the fun out of the quilting for me.

I had my ruler toe on my Janome covertible free motion foot set and also started to do some cross hatching around the feather, so I might get a video of that too. Though I got distracted by one of the little people and messed up the spacing of the cross-hatching.

I'm glad I got in a little free motion fun, and now it's back to cleaning my stitching space.


  1. I need to watch your video. I found a foot for short shank ruler foot on Ebay. It is expensive but it is certainly less expensive than purchasing a new sewing machine.

    1. Have fun with that new ruler foot. Could you share where on Ebay you found the foot? Do they have more? I love to give folks options for how they can adopt my techniques for their machines.

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  3. Looks very nice!! Those momentary distractions take their "toll"...LOL! Stay focused...and clean!!!!! Hugs....

  4. Love your blog! So happy I found you. I have a Sweet Sixteen Sit Down and I think I can learn a lot from you! I'm trying to use rulers but find it difficult. I definitely need a lot more practice. Love your feather. I'm practicing mine also. It's not easy but I love machine quilting!

    1. Thank you for such encouraging remarks! It does take practice. We will learn more together.
