
Paint and Stitch

I shared my small fall wall hanging on Friday (Can you tell I read a lot of kids' books?) and while I had a lot of fun with the free motion quilting, I
thought it needed a little something extra. I was thinking paint or hyperquilting.

I did both!

freemotionquilting fall feather

The quilt before:

While the green color in particular isn't quite like I wanted, I think the painting turned out quite well. (Mostly)

painting outside the lines

And then I did some hyperquilting in the feathers with a varigated Rainbows thread from Superior Threads. My hyperquilting is  based on several books by Patsy Thompson and her Hyperquilting! book in particular. I just added a little inner loopy thing to each feather plume.

free motion quilting fall feather

Now I just have to get this thing bound and figure out what I'm going to do with it. And in the meantime, my brain is working on a plan for a McTavishing Monday, or maybe the Monday McTavish-along. And more ruler work tutorials and ideas. And I'm moving my sewing space into the living room!

free motion fall feather

Yes, into the living room. As in, the first thing you see from the front door! I've been getting a little quilting business from others and it's just really awkward having strangers (even quilty strangers) come into my bedroom to lay out a quilt and discuss quilting designs and what-have-you. Not to mention having to tidy up (or keep tidy, since some friends consider me a bit of a neat freak) 4 rooms between the front door and my sewing space in my bedroom. I do have three kids here all day, every day and it's normal that things get messy.

The big deal is getting my beloved Janome 6600 fit into a new table for the living room as its current spot is a built in counter top. Hubby is working on cutting a hole into a second hand table as I write.

I'm linking this with Connie's  Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River.


  1. Wow how perfect, love the paint and hypering quilting combination.

  2. Love it with the paint! Look forward to seeing your new sewing space :-)

  3. Amazing! I love this. The quilting is so beautiful! What kind of paint did you use?

    1. I used a mish mash of Seta color, Lumiere, and even one oil based Paint Stik!

  4. Awesome! The paint is perfect and really does pop it nicely!

  5. Turned out great. Love the colors! Also love how close you got to the stitching in your photographs. I have had much luck doing that yet. Goes blurry. It will be great to have your machine set into a table. Makes all the difference!

    1. Mine’s been in a table (counter top) but that wasn’t going to get moved with the rest of the stuff. So that’s why we needed a new table. In order to get that close to my stitching for a pic, I have to use the macro setting on my point and shoot digital camera.

  6. gorgeous gorgeous girl!!! it's simply gorgeous! {i love it!} and i totally hope the living room set-up will be... a more perfect :)... setup for you! xo

  7. Oh, that turned out fabulous!!! It was perfect for painting. Love that rainbow thread. Do you have a stitch regulator on your machine?

    1. Thanks so much! No stitch regulator, just plenty of practice.

  8. The additions are just perfect. It really pops now. Nicely done.

  9. Beautiful quilting and painting!! I have the book, paints.....really need to try this! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  10. Thanks for commenting! I need to play with my paints more often!
