
Dream Big Dahlia Quilt Along

I've started another live FB Quilt Along, this time using the popular Dream Big Dahlia panel. I'm almost sold out of my panels, with it available in the Opal colorway only. I'll see if some of my other independent quilt shop owners carry them and post links here if possible.

This panel is a whole lot of free motion fun! I'm echoing the outer edges of the petals and filling them in with free-hand fills and a little ruler work.

You can watch the videos on the AmyQuilts FB page Wednesdays at 1pm and Fridays at 1pm and 5pm. That's Eastern US time. Catch me live and ask questions! The replay is posted as soon as the live ends, so you can watch at your own convenience.

These videos are very long and rambly, so I'm not sure they will end up on my YouTube. Some will if I can edit them down a bit, make it more concise.

The threads on this project match pretty well, so a shot of the back really helps! I'll be using 3 different colors and all of them should show nicely (or badly as the case may be) on this violet backing.

As with my other videos, I'll do an archive post with all the videos on it here on the blog. That makes it a bit easier to find them all in order and get context of what the videos are about.

So....have you done one of these panels before? Do you have one you've wanted to do, but just haven't tried it yet? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I have two of these panels but haven't started them, I suppose I am waiting for direction, a place to start. Can't wait to see how you do this!

  2. I have a panel and hope to gain some inspiration.

  3. These are so interesting. I've seen several of them finished now, and though they're beautiful, and certainly a great way to practice domestic machine quilting, I don't know what I'd do with a finished one. I think I'd have to add blocks or something around it to make it a real "quilt." I'm glad you have a good following on Facebook. I'm not on FB (intentionally), so I appreciate seeing your quilting designs here. Continue having fun with it, and selling lots of panels!

    1. The panels make it more approachable as a sample piece and certainly makes it easier to provide. I'm working on making more videos for YouTube, so hopefully some of the footage will make it over there. I'm working up to full pieced quilts for these quilt alongs, but those will likely not be free. Too much time goes into that.

  4. My SIL made my blue dahlia w/piano keys border. Loving it!

  5. I for one will definatly be watching and hopefully be encourage to have a go at my own panel I was hoping someone like yourself would help and encourage me with virtual direction.

  6. I bought a panel so I could explore a variety of fmq with such a beautiful flower. It will be fun to watch your videos for inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

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