
Sanity Stitching: Paisleys

What a week! I had a rocky start early Monday morning, with a visit to the ER. I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and to add insult to injury, a stress induced episode of swollen hands much like an allergy response.

Monday was also my eldest son's first day at a new school. Poor kid was sent off by a wonderful neighbor instead of his mom. Praise God for good neighbors! He did fine though and is liking his new school.

paisley quilting design

Tuesday I resolved to try to take better care of myself and try to reduce my stress levels. I started off with some walking. Having the kids all in school has helped too.

Then I did some selfish sewing, or as I call it, sanity stitching. No rules, no plans, just some pretty fabric and a nice thread combination.

I played around with my camera settings while I stitched, and ended up with another time-lapse video to share. It's very fast. Too fast, but it was still fun. BTW, you can slow the video play yourself, by clicking the gear icon towards the bottom right corner. It may affect the quality though.

I guess it's fitting that a health issue made me get back to more free motion just for the heck of it. I started quilting in earnest while my hubby was going through cancer treatments. Quilting keeps me sane and it's cheaper than therapy (not the mention the ER).


  1. I loved your video and the fun you were having playing with free motion quilting. It makes me want to drop what I'm doing and go have a little fun myself.

    1. Thanks Pat! That means I was successful-- I want you to play too!

  2. It WAS fast and fun! I'll have to watch it again and again! Oh, to have your control! I'm working on it! I'll get there! In my past, I've had my fair share of ovarian cysts and they are no picnic when they flare up. Hope you're feeling better! XO

    1. I am much better, thank you. That crazy fast speed smooths me out too.

  3. Right there with you sister for a different diagnois. Prayers and thoughts as you work through the process. Thank you for thinking of others while your mind is churning!!! Hugs and Peace.

  4. Very fun to watch and your stitching is so smooth.

  5. I just bought one of your crafty classes. I went in through your instructor page but then of course I had to sign in, so I hope you get your percentage. I'm sorry you are having health issues. I know how bad those ovarian cysts hurt! Take care of yourself!

    1. I'm sure your purchase probably went through, thanks! I'm feeling fine now.

  6. Amy take care of yourself. I know a lot of us appreciate all the work you do for us. Your posts always make me smile and I learn from your videos. This winter I will be able to focus on your craftsy class and actually start something. Thanks again for all you do.

  7. Sorry to hear you are unwell. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. I'm very sorry to know about what you recently went through, and am especially grieved for you to have missed sending your son off for his first day of school. I hope your friend took pictures for you. As always, your quilting is lovely. Keep up the worthwhile regimen of walking and quilting to take good care of yourself. All my best!

    1. Thanks Linda. Since my other two started school the week before, I had already gotten the obligatory first day of school pic with all three of them. I have been able to keep up my walking every week day so far. My mom and I send each other out "Map my Walk" app results each time. Now if there were an equivalent app for quilting (besides IG!)

  9. Love that paisley! I might try that myself. Please take care of yourself and hope to see you better soon!

    1. Thanks! I feel fine, but I get to go to the gyn Not.

  10. I have been playing with embellishing swirls recently, and now I want to play with paisleys!! Love your work, Amy! I have both your Craftsy classes, and I enjoyed both of those as well. Ruler work is still very much in the beginning stages, but it is fun!
