
My Encourager

One of my biggest encouragers has departed this earth. Living in the fairly rural South, we called her Miss Linda. She would ooo and ahhh over every quilt project I showed her and since she lived right across the street, I could run over to visit her in the evenings after the kids were in bed. She totally delighted in my blog's growth and my new 'career' in teaching and selling my favorite quilting supplies.

She was a generous soul and helped us financially when my husband had cancer. When the church we attended needed a proper church building (it was a new church) and a local church building came up for sale, she pretty much bought it. When I entered my Poured Out Quilt into Sacred Threads in Washington DC, she and I drove up for a weekend trip and she treated me.

Anyone who knew her knew that she was a lady with a strong faith. There was a story she would tell about finding a white feather during a brief moment of joy during a time of trial and while I can't remember the details, the image of a white feather is stuck in my mind. I did a little stitching today and stitched this feather. I think there's a feathered quilt in my future (like I need another project!) though this was just a trial stitch out.

Lest you imagine a sedate and prim elderly lady, I leave you with this photo. She had a great sense of humor and didn't give a flip what others thought.

She thoroughly enjoyed the life that God gave her and the world is a better place for having her in it.


  1. And, by the sounds of it,maher life was a better one for having had you in it. Thank you for sharing such a special person, a special relationship and a special remembrance. I am sorry for your loss, Amy, and am thinking of you and Miss Linda.

  2. My heart goes out to you, Amy. I know she meant a lot to you, and that you'll miss her terribly. What a wonderful friend she must have been.

    Carole S.

  3. Sorry for your loss, Amy....sounds like you had a very special friend. She will always be with you.

  4. Dear Amy, you have truly honored your precious friend by taking the time to share her with all of us. She gave completely of her heart and so do you. She sounds like a real gem and a soul you'll dearly miss.


    1. I wish everyone could have such a wonderful lady in their lives.

  5. Dear Amy, I'm so sorry for your loss, and I do hope you got to see Miss Linda before she went on to glory. Praying for you, and for her family during this time.

    1. I saw her the day before she died and I don't know if she even knew I was there. In the time I was in Denver, she declined so rapidly. I would regret having gone, but for knowing she would have "kicked my tail" if I passed on such an opportunity.

  6. Sorry for your loss Amy. And probably this is a good undertaking for you. While working on this quilt you will reflect on all the great times and things she did here on earth, but also know that she is in the place God had prepared for her now and how happy she is. That memory guilt will help you work through your grief. And that's my prayer.

    1. Yes, quilting is a healing activity for me sometimes. Thank you.

  7. What a sweet tribute to a giving soul. I am sorry for your loss. Rejoice in the many lives Miss Linda touched.

  8. Sorry for your loss Amy. She sounds like quite a lady. What a gift to have her in your life. I hope all those wonderful memories of her help you in this time of sorrow. And don't fret girl, I know she will be right there with you in your future endevours. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope I can be more like her. She is quite an example to follow. Sending hugs your way....

  9. So sorry to hear this-what a tremendous loss for you. My prayers are with you. What a beautiful tribute to her.

  10. I'm very sorry that you have lost this sweet friend. These are the people that I call, my angels in life. I have had a few too :)
    God bless,
    Connie :)

  11. I am so sorry for your loss, Amy. Miss Linda was a precious gift from God to you and I know you will miss her deeply. The white feather is a beautiful tribute.

    1. Thank you. Let's hope the feather quilt actually gets done!

  12. Miss Linda - you were my kind of gal. The white feather tribute is beautiful Amy.

    1. She was such a rare person; loving, generous, funny, down to earth. Thanks.

  13. Sorry for the loss of your dear friend. God be with you and her family.

  14. Sorry for your loss of a dear lady. You are blessed to have so many great memories to help you through your loss.

  15. It is sad that you have lost such a special friend. It is a joy that you have such a special friend to remember. I hope that her memory will remain a bright light in your heart, helping you find your way through this grief.

  16. What a gift it was for you to have Miss Linda in your life...she sounds like she was a real angel. She may be gone, but I bet she will never be forgotten. My condolences to you and her family.

  17. I'm so sorry you lost your friend! She was a very special lady!

  18. What a wonderful friend you have had in your life and I am so sorry that you have lost her. You have many great memories of her that will keep her in your heart and thoughts. She sounds like a person that was a good example of a well lived life.

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was a wonderful friend.

  20. Sorry for the loss of your special friend. Peace be with you.

  21. although it is sad when we loose a friend, our faith helps us though. glad you can remember her in your special way

  22. Awww...what a sweetheart she was! You were so blessed to have such a dear soul being in your life in such an amazing way. May God comfort you heart in your loss of your friend and neighbor.
    in love and prayers,
    Teresa in California
