
Post-Craftsy Post

I had to pull another all-nighter as I left Denver for home this weekend. Turns out, as I arrived for a supposed 12:10pm flight Saturday, I was bumped to a 1am flight on Sunday. Too bad I had left my comfy hotel room and I had to cancel on my friend Robin. I was up for around 30 hours coming home. There's no way I could sleep in the airport or on the plane. Arrived home, hugged the kids, gave them some Easter goodies, and went to bed!

Below is an honest craft room shot of my studio as I returned. It's not horribly can still see the floor after all. Now to get all my bits and bobs back in their places and start some new projects (or return to some unfinished ones...but that just might be crazy talk.)

The folks at Craftsy still have my quilts and many of my samples, including the long-suffering Ruler Work Sampler. They did send me a nice high resolution picture to send along to Pat Sloan who will be interviewing me next Monday for a segment on her American Patchwork and Quilting Radio Show.

It airs live and I think I'm fairly petrified! I like editors, proofreading, and such. I also am not a fan of talking on the phone, but I hear she's a great interviewer. Forgive me if I say something completely stupid or unintelligible.

Now to take a few days and unpack, reorganize, and spend some extra time with my kids (it's spring break) and my mom who is visiting. Plus get caught up at work.

I'd just like to thank everyone who has taken the time to leave me an encouraging comment in the last week or so. It means the world to me!


  1. A co worker's flight was cancelled due to the closing of the Denver airport. Glad you arrived home safely. Take a deep breath and you will do great--just be yourself!

    1. Yes, safe is certainly the more important aspect relative to timely!

  2. Glad you're home safely. I wondered how you were going to be able to celebrate Easter. Very quickly. 8-)

    1. I was sad I missed our church's services, but just glad to be home and sleep.

  3. The quilt is stunning, Amy! Get some's no fun chasing airports!!!

  4. Your quilt is superb! I have been listening to Pat's podcasts lately on my drive to work and back and I would say that you have nothing to fear because she seems to make people feel real comfortable and relaxed. Her interviews are all always so fun and informative. I wasn't sure I would like not seeing any quilting and just talking about it, but it works!
