
Waves and Feathers

As the mid-Atlantic area of the US braces for a huge snow storm, I hopped a plane and ran off! Actually, I'm visiting my parents in Pueblo Colorado, where ironically there's very little snow. Then I will be attending a special conference for Craftsy instructors. I'm looking forward to meeting a whole bunch of talented folks.

I showed the back of my Poured Out 2 quilt a few days ago and I've gotten several requests to see the front from some of my newer readers. This quilt is incredibly hard to photograph!

This was a very personal quilt for me, done to process the emotional roller coaster I was on while my husband had cancer and I was struggling with a newborn who would never sleep. Thankfully he's cancer free and that baby finally learned to sleep through the night and is now a sweet 6 year old.

If you are in the path of the storm, I wish you warmth and safety.


  1. That is so beautiful! Glad you've been able to move past such a difficult time. Enjoy yourself in a snow free part of the world!!

  2. What a beautiful quilt! I'm so thankful your husband is doing well, and you could create this 'therapy' quilt.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful!!! So happy to hear you husband is well and baby learned to sleep!

  4. That's a very personal and moving quilt. Thank you for sharing that. It's beautiful Amy.

  5. It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing :)

  6. What an amazing and inspiring piece!
