
Quilt First

My day would have been so much better if I had followed this one simple rule:

I think from now on, after the kids are on the bus, I will quilt for an hour before doing anything else! Things just snowball otherwise and quilting doesn't happen. Anybody else have this issue?

Tomorrow is another day....


  1. It's a daily issue with me and I'm retired. I blame the computer!

    1. Same situation here!!! I do lots better if I never "boot up"!!!!!!!

    2. Susan, I have the same problem. It goes with the morning coffee. :)

    3. The computer is definitely part of this problem for me!

    4. The computer is a HUGE time suck! I've already spent 2 hours reading blogs, checking Instagram & Email, playing a game, wandering through Amazon, etc. Meanwhile, the dust bunnies are breeding under the sofa and my latest quilt is staring at me accusingly. I need to follow the motto on my cutting table "Quilting forever, housework whenever".

  2. I agree! I love the quilting part of the process!

    1. Sometimes it is just sad at how little quilting I actually get to! I'm trying to do better.

  3. I've changed my habit from going onto the computer first thing in the morning to having a cuppa tea and working on one of my many sewing projects. I then find I come back to it later whereby before I never got around to it.

  4. Replies
    1. I want to routinely start my day with an hour of quilting.

  5. I give myself permission to sew until a preset time ie "I will sew until 2pm and then do _______" I am much more productive this way. Finding balance though is a very real struggle, especially when trying to make quilting my full time job. On that note, I'm off to sew!

    1. I've used a timer from time to time help me either stop doing non quilting stuff, or to help give me 'permission' to quilt for a set time. There are so many non-quilting tasks that can get in the way of quilting even if they are for a quilting business!

  6. This is great advice--I need to put this into practice!

  7. yep, sometimes I lose whole weeks that way

  8. I'm retired also and I always find myself saying, I'll so sew after..............
    Also feel guilty when we sew the entire day and not empty the dishwasher. Sad.

    1. There's one perk of having kids my kids' age: they do the dishwasher! Sadly, I find myself saying I'll sew after this email/blog post/etc!

  9. All the time! And then if I quilt first - other things don't get finished. But I'm better off starting my quilting first - as then there's a chance the other things will get done.

  10. I began quilting because I needed something that stayed done as opposed to dishes, cleaning, cooking, etc. Lately, it's rare for me to actually get started with the quilting. I think I need a good quilt retreat!

  11. So true, I have to set aside a day for just sewing in order to maintain my sanity from my job and other life issues.

  12. Amen sister. Now if only the rest of the world would cooperate.
