
Working the Ruler Work and Working in the Shop

I'm doing some quilting with rulers on my ruler work sampler quilt and I'm trying hard to remember that this is a teaching sample and it's important that the stitching shows. Right now it's a struggle, because I started working on the navy blue fabric with my light turquoise thread. Every bobble shows.

Quilting with rulers
Making the second pass around this shape.

But if you back off of the quilt...step away from the machine,'s not so bad.

I've been reading this wonderful book called, Rising Strong , by Brene Brown. (There should be a little accent mark over that last e in her first name, but I have no clue how to make it. Sorry Brene.) She's big on self compassion. So be kind to yourself when you look at your quilting, especially if you are working on a new skill.

I'm only half way through the book, but I'm loving it. I might do a review of it when I'm done, but you can click on the link above to take a look at it on Amazon. I think it's great for anybody, but she really applies a lot of her research to creativity and to people who are artists.

I'm not sure I like how I've quilted with my ruler around this block unit. I'm not big on asymetric shapes, like the inner skewed diamond. Why did I do it that way? So I could quilt that section in one continuous pass. If I had decided what I was going to do with this block on my first pass of quilting (Stitch-in-the-ditch or SID) I could have started this design from the bottom center point instead of doing a 1/4 inch echo.

I also want to let you know that most of the items that sold out over the weekend in my shop have been reordered and are back in stock. I am so sorry to have disappoint those of you who shopped on Sunday and were unable to find the products you wanted.

I decided to link this post up at QuiltShopGal's Creative Goodness Linky. There's a lot of quilty goodness to be found there.


  1. I swear I didn't see your post before I worked on that baby quilt last night :D

  2. Great minds think alike?! I hadn’t even see your IG pic until I went searching after reading your comment. It looks great on your quilt!

  3. Beautiful. Total #CreativeGoodness


  4. I think one of the hardest parts of quilting is learning to silence our inner negativity. Sometimes that inner critic is our biggest road block and everyone seems to have it. Thanks for sharing the progress on your sampler quilt. Your stitching always inspires me :)

    1. You are so right. Sadly, I have a huge beast of an inner critic, but I'm getting better about telling her she's wrong.

  5. You are so brave to show details of contrasting thread. It's so hard to look away but my husband keeps telling me nobody notice and I am trying too. Your quilting is a great source of inspiration!

    1. Thanks! I like doing contrasting threads when I’m doing something like a doodle or thread based design, but this type of quilting, I’d rather do with matching threads. I’m starting to think of doing a similar quilt and then doing the quilting with matching thread on it, just to show the difference.
