
Saturday Satisfaction

Happy Saturday folks! I'm sitting in the shade of my porch, accompanied by a skink, wren, and a horde of invading stink bugs. Enjoying the benefits of wifi, I'm basking in a feeling of accomplishment. As I've said when referencing how I got interested in quilting back when my kids were toddlers, I needed a feeling of accomplishment. Life was a series of things that didn't stay done; dishes, laundry, diapers. But stitching stayed done. Seems shipping out packages gives a great feeling too.

Today I sent two big totes of packages to the post office. My hubby pitched in and we enjoyed working together. Working together isn't new for us and we really enjoy it. My oldest son helped a bit too; trimming mailing labels, cutting tape. It is so satisfying to see the response the shop has gotten so far and knowing that I'm helping so many with their quilting and creativity.

This morning Patsy Thompson wrote a big review of my Craftsy class, Machine Quilting with Rulers on a Home Machine (That's still a 25% off discount link), and was so complimentary I was blushing! She's pretty incredible too...and is a big reason that Craftsy contacted me.

Speaking of Craftsy, they're having some more sales this weekend with online classes up to 65% off in the following sub-categories:

•  Sewing: Bags
•  Knitting: Colorwork
•  Quilting: Big Quilts
•  Painting: Figures & Portraits
•  Drawing: Figures & Portraits
•  Cake Decorating: Sugar Flowers
•  Paper: Mixed Media

You can learn something new and achieve amazing results in a Craftsy class. Right now during Craftsy’s sale, you can use my affiliate link to save and support a craft you love. [Click here to use my affiliate link]

I don't think hubby really understood how much interest there was in ruler work, finding great supplies for it, and how wonderful my follows were until yesterday. He's very supportive, don't get me wrong, but he's a numbers guy and it just clicked for him. After a talk about social media, he asked the question, "What is the biggest thing that keeps people coming to your site?" I told him it was ultimately the quilting. I can't share it, teach it, or post, pin, 'gram it, if I'm not actually doing it! A wonderful conversation followed about delegation and shared responsibilities. Looks like I will get a little more time to quilt!

Quilting with rulers
Poor neglected quilt!

That's exactly what I am going to do right now folks! I'm heading inside to stitch on my neglected ruler work sampler.


  1. I am delighted to hear of the success of your opening day, Amy! You have done an excellent job maintaining your blog and YouTube channel and very generous with sharing your skill with your readers and followers. I am so very grateful to you! May your success grow and be an increasing reward to you and your family!

  2. I think your new business venture, an online store, will be very successful. You have a niche of new and innovative tools, that are difficult to find. Glad you ventured forward.


  3. Amy, I can't thank you Enough for getting me started and excited about ruler work. I have finished your class and have referred back to it several times. I would love another if you get the opportunity!

  4. He's a wonderful to have such support of a loving husband (mine is my biggest cheerleader too). I wish you much luck and continued success.

  5. I love following your blog and learning from your videos. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge. I'm going to link over to Craftsy and add your class to my little collection of classes that I can't watch. I live on a ranch and only am able to get DSL. I'm able to stream Netflix and other "on demand" television shows but for some strange reason the Craftsy classes won't stream on my limited bandwidth (or whatever that technical term is). I buy the classes thinking that I will, one of these days, watch them when I'm traveling and have fast wifi in hotel rooms or will go to the library and watch them but that never seems to happen. Oh well, hope springs eternal and I will purchase your class anyway. Good luck to you and congratulations on a good review from Patsy Thompson--she does amazing work (as do you).

  6. Isn't it a blessing when the hubby 'gets it'!!! All the best on this new direction for you, for your family, and for your business! :)

  7. Amy, I'm so happy for you. I have the Viking Megaquilter and haven't gotten started yet on ruler work, but you make it seem very doable. Congrats on your success.

    1. Thanks, Karen. I try! The Megaquilter is a great machine for FMQ and ruler work. I hope you give it a try soon.
