
Reorganizing the Studio: Part 2

This weekend we are tackling part two of my studio reorganization. Part one was the addition of cubbie units to hold most of my fabric and replace a hodge podge of storage units. They've worked out great, but still need a little organizational tweaking.

My cutting table is a large folding banquet table that's been raised up with some pvc add-ons to the legs. Very functional and ugly. Also the folding parts of the legs makes it hard to use the space efficiently for storage.

We've decided to take the tall metal shelving unit apart and create two shorter shelving units out of it. These new units will sit side by side as a cutting table, ironing surface and computer work station for most of the time, but can be put together to create a larger work table. All the stuff on the shelving unit had to go somewhere of course. I also haven't finished clearing out the wire basket units.

The hope is that I can get things set up so I can create and quilt without creating a huge mess and also so I can use my computer, camera, extra lights for shooting videos, and still not be embarrassed to have someone come to the front door. Up to this point it was difficult to switch from one activity to another, whether it be ironing, cutting, sewing, using my computer, or taking photos or videos.

The shelving unit was taken apart and wheels added. This went amazingly well. My hubby was happy to find that the locking casters I bought at Walmart screwed right into the inside of the shelving unit's posts.

We have 2 of these tall units and we used the bottom halves of each to keep them the same height. The top halves were put together and are used in another room, for another purpose.

The top surface is one inch thick glued wood panels. Real wood, but smaller pieces glued together. We bought them at Lowe's for around $32.00 each. Once the hubby gets the supports finished, I'll be sanding, staining and sealing them. 

My kids start school on Monday and while I will miss them, I am looking forward to uninterrupted creative time. (I am seriously going to miss my little guy who heads off to Kindergarten.) I've got some great stuff in the works to share with you and I am so excited about my Craftsy class coming out near the end of the month. (No, I don't have an official date.) The class will allow me to interact with and answer questions from my students learning ruler work in much more detail than I can here on the blog.

It's such a blessing to have my own creative space in our small house. It's also pretty interesting to see how we've adapted the house to the different seasons of our life. We've changed the purpose of several rooms over the years. Adapting to life and moving forward. Have you found done the same as kids are added to the family, grow, leave the nest? Maybe you've moved houses or added/removed a home-based business? Tell me about it in the comments. (In fact, I think we can do a one-time linky party as part of my post when I show my room all done. No need for magazine-worthy spreads, but share your favorite space or organizational set up for your quilting. Get your space ready!)

Now, I should get back to the work of studio reorganization and also give my handy hubby a big hug. He's been working hard on this project. I can't wait for Part 3 of this series and show you the "after" pictures!


  1. I have no dedicated space for quilting, and my fabric is stored in several cabinets in the family room, not all of which are easily accessible. Now that my son has headed off to college I am thinking of moving my fabrics into his largely empty closet and moving my sewing machine to his desk...which could eventually be modified to sink my sewing machine into it. I just don't want him to feel he doesn't have a place to come home to!

  2. So many good ideas here. I like that you've found ways to use some of what you already have rather than buying an entirely new setup. Someday!

  3. We don't have enough space in our 2-bed bungalow. So we converted the garage into a workroom for me, plus a large storage cupboard for the household. I now do so many different crafty activities, I've outgrown my space and it's become claustraphobic, so we're having a studio build on the side of the house. Work should commence any day. I can't wait. The budget won't stretch to an expensive fit out, so I'm absorbing all the ideas I can from your blog! Love the cutting table idea.

  4. Love the idea of the linky party. By the way, sometime I'd love to learn about your set up for videoing your quilting. Thanks so much for all your contributions!

  5. It's really coming together. I myself have been on a quest the past few weeks to get my scraps under control. I have taken the advice of several quilters to store my scraps as precut pieces. Such as 2" squares and strips or other common sizes that will be sewing ready. And this meant I had to add some storage items to what I had to do so. I am finding that I am able to get more sewing time because my space is sewing ready. Good luck on your organizing project...I can hardly wait to see the reveal!

  6. It looks like you're doing all the right stuff, Amy, for creating a workable space. The metal shelves with the wood board top is a great idea. Over the weekend, I hope you were able to accomplish what you wanted. Thankfully, I've always had a dedicated sewing space, though it hasn't always been ideal. In our previous home, for more than 22 years I sewed in an unfinished basement that was frigid in the winter. Yet, I had a 14-foot by 28-foot space that was all mine, and that houseguests rarely saw. Now I am happily in a ranch home and have the entire front bedroom, with a lovely bay window, to call my own. I love it so much (though it's packed to the gills!) that I find I don't want to GO anywhere… like to weekly quilter's group or a sew-in, because I have such a nice at-home set-up.

  7. I had to smile at your question about changing rooms/houses at different seasons of our lives. We had a 4 bedroom/3 bathroom house for a while and 2 of our 3 adult children moved back home with their children while getting a divorce. They didn't stay overlong but still they knew we had the room and that our home will always be their home. When we downsized into a 2 bedroom house they laughed and accused us of doing it so they couldn't come home again. :) blessings, marlene

  8. I just found this great series about your sewing room and am admiring the cutting tables. Would you mind describing how you attached the wood tops to the shelf posts? Thanks, great ideas.

    1. We attached a piece of wood under the ends, the same size as the space between the posts and it fits snuggly between them. This means I can (and have) pulled the top off for a quick photo out in the sun!
