
Free Motion Monday- On Tuesday!

I totally missed posting yesterday for Free Motion Monday's Linky party. I guess I went from "C's" to an F! But I think I can find some extra-credit to make up for it.

free motion border design
Nearly done with this quilt! Just the borders to finish.

 Metaphors aside, my projects are overwhelming me. It's hard to keep up, plus I've been helping a neighbor with some last-minute childcare lately. Let's skip the linky this week, and we'll try again next week. Then I might switch to a monthly link party that's open all month or something different.

I'm a typical quilter, more ideas in my head and projects in the queue than there are hours in the day. Plus, I'm not the most efficient with my time. How do you handle your quilt projects? Are you like me, or are you one of those disciplined "One project at a time until it's all done" kind of folks?

I read Gwyned Trefethen's blog occasionally and she is a marvel at setting goals for her quilt art projects and doing them. I should read it more often, maybe her discipline would rub off on me!

My daughter is very crafty and I think my quilting is definitely rubbing off on her! I am pretty certain those are feathers coming off her flower.

For her birthday, I bought her a sketchbook for all of her dresses she's been 'designing' plus some new gel pens, some with glitter! Every 8yo girl loves glitter, and the pens aren't near as messy as the real glitter! Making some dresses for her (and with her) is in the projects list.

So, dear readers, thanks for visiting and now I am off to quilt!


  1. I love the quilting pattern you're working on! Playing with patterns with chalk is fun, and the kids love when I

  2. What a coincidence. My daughter is also 8 and loves to draw feathers and I can often find quilty items in her drawings

  3. That's exactly my problem Amy, so many things I want to do... I try to be organised but I can never fit them in. Definitely not a one project at a time person!

  4. After working through 30 UFOs I am now mostly one project at a time. There are some exceptions, but this feels better to me. I want quilting to be fun and not stressful, so this is how I manage.

  5. Are there really people who start and work on one quilt at a time?

  6. Oh my gosh! That is absolutely ADORABLE! She's well on her way to doodling. Get that girl a sketch book just for her doodling. Then turn one or two of them into a wall hanging for her bedroom!

    I seem to work best under pressure and in panic mode. If I hit a problem with a quilt or something supplants it, it winds up in my UFO pile ... which is in the (shhhh!) hign 40s. Unfortunately I found three more yesterday while organizing. I'm going to use The Inbox Jaunt's method to knock some out.

  7. Forgot ... I read recently that procrastination and working on more than one project at a time releases creativity. I'm running with that!

  8. Way more ideas than time, way more projects in progress than finishes - yup that sums me up. No amount of telling myself I need to be doing this or that helps - in fact I then feel overwhelmed with what I should be doing and end up doing nothing!

    1. That's my problem, really. so much to do that I shut down and get very little done.
