
Motivational Stitchery

One of the fun things about working at a Janome dealer is access to a range of machines; sewing, embroidery, sergers and even the Artistic sit-down long arm. So when I saw one of my favorite motivational quotes had been made into a free embroidery download, I jumped on it!

she believed she could, so she did

Thanks to the folks at Urban Threads and Sew Simple, I stitched this sample. (It's free until Sept. 7th!) I'm going to make it into a binder cover to hold our class information and supply lists at the shop. A fitting use, don't you think?

I am learning more and more that we are hampered more in life by our beliefs about ourselves than we are by our circumstances. I have a very loud and vicious inner-critic, so I battle her in part with encouraging words. Many of those words come from your comments! I even have a Pinterest board for encouraging words.

I am amazed at how my free motion quilting adventures have taken me new places- physically and creatively. I hope you've enjoyed some of my journey too.

Repeat after me, "I can! I can! I will. I will. I did!"


  1. This is a great embroidery - and I've just checked, they have a hand embroidery option too! And also wise words from you. I'm definitely enjoying your journey Amy - you are very inspiring :-) and I love to see what you are up to!

    1. Thank you! If you do a hand embroidery version, I’d love to see it!

  2. Great saying. I would have to stick to the hand embroidered version!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the encouraging words. I have been enjoying the glimpses into your journey as I transition from longarm quilting to free motion quilting on my Pfaff.
