
Free Motion Monday Quilting Adventures: Grid-Based Designs 3

It's week 3 of the grid-based designs free motion Monday series! That means it's time to share more designs, another video, and to draw the names of the winners of the stencils from!

If you haven't seen the previous weeks' posts, you can find all of them on the Free Motion Mondays Quilting Adventures tab above.

First a video on a form of tiny continuous curves with the square grid from last week:

Then I filled in some of the checkerboard squares from last week, using a different direction for my stitching to form a basket weave effect. It sure flattens out the background. Not sure I like it, at least not at this tiny scale and density. Maybe at a bigger scale or using a slightly more contrasting thread.

grid-based basket weave FMQ

Then it's time to move on to some new angles for the stenciled lines:

This is what happens when I attempt to use geometry with a brain befuddled by a summer cold. Try again:

Marking the 60 degree grid

 That's more like it! Then a triangle based grid. I thought it would look cool to fill in an occasional triangle.

Then I did a triangle based checkerboard. Pretty nifty except sometimes my eyes keep focusiong on 3 triangles at a time like the nuclear symbol.

Then a continuous curves design in the 60 degree triangle grid.

Here's all of my grid-based designs on this piece so far.

Now for our stencil winners:

Emily aka The Caffeinated Quilter
Linda E in AZ
Karen from

And don't forget to link up if you've got a blog and have some grid-based designs to share!

For the linky this week, link up a post of  grid-based designs you've done, if any. If you haven't done any, now's the time to draw some out, start a new practice piece or even try them out on a quilt!

Some quick rules:
  • Keep your post relevant to this quilt along please. Spammy posts will be deleted.
  • Make sure you link up to the individual post, not your home page as nobody wants to have to search around for the post if they're a little late to the party.
  • Reciprocate! Link back to this post somewhere in your post or use the clickable blog button in your sidebar. You've got to dance with the one who took you to the party, so make sure you link back.
  • Don't be a wall-flower. (Talking to myself here too. In person I am so stinking shy!) Visit the other links, be sociable, and leave comments.
  • Please make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you are a no-reply commenter, especially if you ask a question. 
Don't forget to bookmark this blog, follow, or sign it up in your favorite feed reader. Like the facebook page (I do post some short things on it pretty regularly), or even check out my Pinterest boards.  I'll be visiting you too!

Linking up with Connie's Linky Tuesday. Go check it out!

BTW- If you're of a praying persuasion, I could use some prayers. Most of my family including me has a summer cold. Nothing too serious, but I've got a lot of irons in the proverbial fire and I feel like I'm burning out plus some stressful personal stuff so it doesn't help that I physically feel yucky.


  1. Ooh! My favorite is the 60 degree continuous curve.

    1. Mine, too, Tina — love those, especially!

  2. I love the checkerboard designs...i do a lot of table runners and I think this would be perfect for those smaller spaces

  3. Love looking at what you do.

  4. I really like this one and will be trying it later make it look so easy...and I think I like the method of doing each line before moving on as well...thank you for another great tutorial on grid quilting Amy...

  5. These all look so good Amy - thank you for all this - I wish I could find time to play along!!! Best of intentions :-)
