
Free Motion Quilting Video: McTavishing

A while back I mentioned the freemotion quilting design known as McTavishing and suggested we do a "McTavish-a-long". Several folks commented on the post, thinking it was a great idea. So it looks like I'll set up a 'Linky' thing soon so we can share what we're doing as we go. I've got to get a few more samples worked up and such and we'll give it a go on a Monday in a few weeks.

In the meantime, watch my video above and you might want to look at Mastering the Art of McTavishing , by the master herself! While Karen is a longarm quilter, the DVD has a segment shot with someone quilting on a sewing machine also.

Well, crud! It appears her book is currently unavailable on Amazon. ......Goes rummaging through the massive piles of books and emerges an hour later...... I also have her book, The Secrets of Elemental Quilting , which shows a lot of McTavishing in the quilts featured in it.

free motion quilting design McTavishing

After I stopped shooting the video, I continued the McTavishing for a while. It's really just a series of curvy echoing lines, but it sure takes pratice to get it looking just right. I think I like the part without the curly spiral parts best.

free motion quilting design McTavishing detail

There is definitely some backtracking involved too, which really shows in this contrasting thread. Practice, practice.  I can't wait to get started!

free motion quilting

Won't you join me?


I'm linking this post up with all the other fabulous quilting folks over at Connie's Linky Tuesday at Free Motion by the River. Go check it out!


  1. So fun! I'm going to take a class from her at Road to CA in a couple of weeks and I'm way excited :-)

  2. I actually prefer it with the swirls, although that might be because it's the only way I've ever done it!

  3. I've never tried McTavishing but am willing to try! I've done lots of free motion quilting but this one always scared me! Looking forward to joining you!

  4. Great Mctavishing! Love that book. I liked the swirls too, I think they look great but I also think it's hard to keep going with the swirls when doing it.

  5. I dig this pattern! It is almost exactly what I was looking for. Talk about serendipitous timing!

  6. I would like to join you with the SAL! Looking forward to it!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  7. Beautiful work and that is definitely something I need to practice on! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  8. Thanks for the video on the applique. I've been wanting to do some turned applique and this helped.
