
Video: Curved Cross Hatching with Fine Line Rulers

Here's the video I took while playing around with my Fine Line Rulers by Accents in Design, complete with a little auditory visit from my 3 year-old!

I am so excited about the design opportunities for quilting with rulers! I've even set up a new board on Pinterest (Quilting Designs with Rulers) for all of the beautiful designs I've seen that use rulers.

free motion quilting cross hatching with rulers

I am on a mission to find out if there's a foot available for brands other than Janome that is perfect for ruler work. It can be done with a regulare free motion foot set a little higher from the surface of the quilt, but it's a little more tricky that way. I hope to find out more info from some of the manufacturers' teachers at the Quilt and Sew Expo later this week.

Have you tried ruler work on a non-Janome machine? What kind of foot did you use?


  1. Oh my gosh - you are like my long lost kindred spirit/free-motion quilter friend! Ruler work on a domestic machine - who ever heard of such a thing? Tell me more!! I would love to be able to do this on my Bernina 710.

    Please find out whatever you can. I'm on a mission to convince more and more quilters that they can do amazing fmq on their domestic machines and this is like the missing link :-)

  2. Good Morning Amy!! Thanks for the demonstration. I, also, suspect the info.the Janome people are telling you is most likely baloney. My Bernina dealer/serviceman tried to tell me I couldn't use other feet than Bernina. Well, heck with that. I bought a low shank adapter (ebay) then bought every extra foot I needed, been using them for years. I just now got out all my little footsies, Elna's, Bernina, Singer. I will see what I can come up with later today. I will also check into the Janome low-shank foot. Need to watch your video again! Thank you. You're a doll!

    1. Althea: I realized that I have just been assuming the ruler toe will fit on the low shank convertible foot set, since it fits on the high shank convertible foot set. Double check before you buy.

      I should be able to check it myself while at the Virginia Quilt and Sew Expo later this week.

  3. Great video. I would love it if Viking had a similar foot. I have just gotten the rulers but have not sat down to play with Viking Sapphire.
    Keep up the inspiration.

  4. Glad you like your rulers. I love that crosshatching. Got to try that. Wonder why that foot is so bulky? Looks like it is hard to see around.

  5. Hi Amy! I just found your blog via ChristaQuilts and I am so glad I found you! And boy am I delighted to see you have the same machine as I do (okay I actually have the 6300, but it's very close!). I have considered getting long arm rulers to use, but couldn't justify buying them (yet, haha). When I have tried ruler work, I have issues moving my quilt smoothly while also holding the ruler firmly--in your video you don't seem to have that issue (at least on that small quilt?). I'm glad to find another like minded quilter with a similar set up!

    1. There are two issues at work:
      1 Need a ‘grippy’ ruler. Use non-skid dots for rotary rulers, hook side of Velcro dots, or my frugal stand by, clear nail polish and salt (occasionally needs a reapplication). This helps the ruler stay put and not slide so you...

      2 Don’t press down too hard on the ruler and quilt sandwich! Also keep your palm or lower parts of you fingers on the ruler so that the thumb and tips of fingers (with quilting gloves) are still on the quilt.

      Hope these tips help! Whenever I have trouble moving the sandwich smoothly against a ruler, it’s usually because I’m pushing down too hard.

  6. Just found your blog and boy am I excited! Where do you get your rulers from?

    1. I have recently gotten rulers from Accents in Design, their Fine Line Rulers. and they are great! A bit pricey, but worth it. Non-skid strip already on it and the pegs help me hold the ruler better. I have also bought rulers from Quilter’s Rule before.

  7. I am so glad to have found your blog. I want to do ruler work and have found the flat darning foot wants to slip under the ruler. I will look into getting a foot like you use. Thank you. Take care and God bless, Cory. P.S. I couldn't get the sound to work on the video both here and on You Tube so I don't know if it's me or the video.

  8. Thank you for all the posts and videos on both the "ruler toe" foot (getting it!) and the Fine Line straight and curved rulers (getting those too!). It was absolutely helpful to see your "real world" video demonstrations using them (particularly on the same brand of machine I have).

    I also just confimed that Wendy Sheppard of "Ivory Spring" also uses these rulers (I'm pretty sure she's a Bernina gal) and considering how many quilts she has had published that makes it a slam dunk must do!

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