
A Silly Self-congratulatory Post

I've mentioned my new quilty friend before, and she doesn't know about the blog so forgive the crypticness of this post but I just had to crow a little! I don't think she'd mind me sharing so much as I don't want to admit to having a blog.

So my quilty friend was once very, very involved in quilting. So much so that she became a NQA certified quilt judge. Which is just fabulous because when I want feedback on my quilting, she really knows all about it. And of course, she met other quilt judges and became friends with them and attended fabulous quilt shows, and took classes from world class teachers. And one of those friends (among others I'm sure) is a nationally known, award-winning quilter who won a very large prize with one of her quilts.

A wall quilt based on a portion of this quilter's mega-prize winning quilt, made by the quilter herself, hangs on the wall in my new quilty friend's lovely home. And in the same room now hangs a little wall quilt by me!!!!! Squeeee! Unbeknownst to me, my lovely and gracious friend bought one of my pieces at the local art and antique shop.

So I can now say my work hangs in the same room as Madame Mystery Quilter!!!!! Woohoo!

Silly, I know. It's about the same as knowing you won second prize in a competition of two, but sometimes you just need that boost of saying I won second prize in such and such. I tend to be so negative sometimes, that I'm gonna look at it in this affirming, positive manner.

And if I don't write any more this week, Merry Christmas! May you celebrate this time with joy, peace, family and friends. I pray that you have partaken of the life-changing gift from that babe born in a manger and that if you haven't, I pray that one day you know the peace that He brings.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post...go ahead and be proud. Quilting is an art. Your quilty friend , who KNOWS her stuff, paid $$ for a quilt you made. It must be something special, indeed! Congrats!
