
Using Monofilament Thread

As I mentioned on my last post, I used monofilament for the first time on a binding. Other than having to wind a bobbin twice because the end didn't stay put on the first one, it worked fabulously! I used it in the top and bottom and it made such a fine machine finished binding on a multicolored striped binding.

I used Sulky's monofilament, which is a polyester with a Topstitch 80/20 needle and at a tension of almost 1. Yes, that's right almost 1. This thin thread stretches and causes a lot of it's own tension, so you really have to use very little tension from the machine. I also had to rig my machine so the spool wound off the side instead of over the top, which adds so much twist that the thread could break easily.

This might be the start of something wonderful as there are times I want to secure edges on machine applique better, but have trouble finding a good thread color match.

Gotta sew,

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