The special paper worked like magic right before the kids' eyes, but you also had to rinse it and let it dry after printing which was a bit of a pain. We also used some black construction paper to print which worked fine but a little slow for the kids.
We used some flower shaped foam stickers, redbud leaves for hearts, maple and hemlock leaves too. As the sun hit the sunprinting paper, the exposed paper turned white and the shaded portion stayed blue, but when it was rinsed, the colors reversed which was surprising.
And below is the new wall quilt or table runner for the shop. I am really itching to quilt this! I even have some ribbon yarn that I might try to free motion couch on this too.
Obviously still in the beginning stages. I used my Sizzix to cut the flower centers and petals. To the left are four floral postcards or miniquilts for the shop.
And below is the new wall quilt or table runner for the shop. I am really itching to quilt this! I even have some ribbon yarn that I might try to free motion couch on this too.
I am trying to keep my blog focused on quilting, but I have to share this bit of craftiness below that I did for the kids. A door on one of our maple trees! The kids aren't fooled that there really are fairies or anything but it sure helps fuel the imagination.
Oh gosh, it looked like it was a great time! All of it... the kids, the wallhanging, the postcards, and the 'fairytale' scene in the yard look wonderful! I love how you are helping them become imaginative individuals! Hoorah! I enjoyed it tremendously!