
Painting a Quilt -Part 2

I am having a ton of fun with painting quilt sandwiches that I have already quilted a picture onto. It is easy and quick, and truth be told, I am a horrible piecer so this is right up my alley. I had to stop working on my Joyful quilt so that I could make a small piece to test wash. The fuschia flower above is my test piece and I've already washed it! It held up beautifully. I am itching to get back to painting the bigger piece, but this project is nicely portable, and on Friday I am having a meeting of my "Works of our Hands" group at church. This is a group I started as a fellowship of crafty ladies to chat and work with our hands on a creative endeavor. I'm planning on doing the painting there instead of doing something stitchy; less stuff to take.
I am using Delta Ceramacoat textile medium and Dewent Inktense pencils. I was first inspired by Irena Bluhm's method, but actually took up the "Colourque" method. A Google search will yield plenty of info on both of these methods.

And I am so happy that these pieces are on my newly installed design wall in my revamped sewing room!

Anybody else think I should redo the bulgy line of the bird's rear area?

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